
作者:罗昕 发布时间:2005-10-21 09:49:04         下一篇 上一篇

摘  要









关键词: 政府采购 政府采购法 政府采购合同授予纠纷 质疑 投诉



The challenge and complaint system in the government procurement law, acting as a mechanism for settling the government procurement contract awarding disputes (GPCAD), has a very important effect and importance on protecting the lawful rights for the respective parties, especially the suppliers in the government procurement and maintaining normal operation for the whole government procurement activities. With a comprehensive application of such research methods as economic analysis on law, value analysis on law, positive analysis on law and rules analysis on law, etc., it has made a comparatively deep & systematic study on the challenge and complaint systems in the government procurement law by concentrating on introspection and perfection on legislation for our national government procurement and taking legislative reasons, legislative comparison and legislative perfection of  the challenge and complaint system as a clue. The essay has six parts with over 45,000 words in total.

In the Preface, it aims to define the basic categories of the challenge and complaint system, presenting the legislative background, theoretic value and practice importance of studying them.

In the first Chapter, it mainly discusses the legislative reasons of the challenge and complaint system. Firstly, from a view of pursuing efficiency and injustice values, it makes a detailed study on the legal logics for contract awarding procedure in the government procurement, pointing out that no matter based on the economic reason taking the market competition as an instrument or on political interruption taking contract compliance as an instrument, to protect timely & efficiently the lawful rights for the suppliers through establishing reasonable mechanism to settle GPCAD is a key factor in maintaining efficient operation for the whole government procurement. Secondly, through analyzing interest conflicts in GPCAD, it points out that upon failing to balance the interests of the respective parties, giving priority to protection on the public interest is a tendentious choice in the legislation and judicial practice in every nation. As a result, during establishing a mechanism to settle GPCAD, it can conclude that the injustice in settling disputes needs special understanding and time effectiveness needs special requirement. In the end, it criticizes the traditional judicial remedies that can not completely fulfill the special requirement in settling GPCAD both in injustice and effectiveness. A system creation outside the judicial system is imperative under such a circumstance.

In the second Chapter, it makes a rough comparison on legislation between the challenge system and the complaint system. On one side, from the legislative practices of some typical nations in the Anglo-American law system and the civil law system, it draws some experiences in the international government procurement legislation and with very important reference values for establishing and perfecting the relative systems in our nation. On the other side, it makes an emphasized analysis on two international legal documents named WTO the Agreement on Public Procurement and UNCITRAL Model Law on Procurement of Goods, Construction and Services that has substantial influence on establishing the challenge and complaint systems in our nation. Meanwhile, assisted with a flow chart, it makes a brief introduction on the provisions in our domestic law.

In the third Chapter, it mainly discusses the legal attribute and legal effect of the respective components in the challenge and complaint systems. It believes that in our domestic law, the double remedy mechanisms should be further defined in the civil judicial remedy together with the challenge & complaint systems, that in the challenge and complaint system the inquiry and answer provisions should be removed, that in the challenge and answer the suppliers should be permitted to choose remedy ways, that as upon possessing the conditions a special court should be set up to unify the current status that both the civil court and the administrative court are accessed to accept GPCAD.

In the fourth Chapter, it mainly studies several detailed rules in the challenge and complaint system. Referring to the viewpoints on the relative international rules as well as theory and ideas on practice, it makes an overall study on such issues as reasonability of challenge preposition in our domestic law, definition of the complainer, ascertainment and establishment of the institution accepting complaints, and application of three main remedies in the complaint disposal, etc.

In the Summary, it clearly and briefly represents the main viewpoints in this essay.


Key Words:  government procurement   government procurement law  

the government procurement contract awarding dispute

challenge   complaint



摘  要... IV

Abstract.. VI

引   言... 1

第一章  质疑与投诉制度之立法缘起... 3

第一节  规制政府采购合同授予机制的法律逻辑... 3

一、追求效率目标:以市场竞争为工具的经济理性论... 4

二、追求公平目标:以合同依从为工具的政治干预论... 5

第二节  解决政府采购合同授予纠纷的特殊要求... 7

一、构建政府采购合同授予纠纷解决机制的价值理念... 7

二、传统的司法救济难以圆满解决政府采购合同授予纠纷... 8

第二章 质疑与投诉制度之国际比较... 12

第一节  解决政府采购合同授予纠纷的外国立法经验... 12

一、英美法系国家的立法——以美国、英国为中心... 12

二、大陆法系国家的立法——以德国、法国为中心... 14

三、小结... 15

第二节  影响我国立法的两个政府采购国际法律文本... 15

一、世界贸易组织《政府采购协议》... 16

二、联合国《贸易法委员会货物、工程和服务采购示范法》... 18

三、小结... 19

第三章 质疑与投诉机制的法律性质和效力... 22

第一节  质疑与投诉机制的法律性质... 22

一、司法救济是否属于质疑与投诉机制... 22

二、询问与答复的法律性质... 23

三、质疑与答复的法律性质... 24

四、投诉与处理的法律性质... 25

第二节  质疑与投诉机制的法律效力... 25

第四章  质疑与投诉制度之规则检视... 28

第一节  对质疑制度的批判与重构... 28

第二节  对投诉制度的评析与完善... 31

一、投诉权人的界定... 31

二、投诉受理机构... 34

三、救济措施... 39

结  论... 47

参考文献... 49

引   言








[1] 政府采购合同授予(Contract Award)是政府采购合同履行(Contract Execution)的对称,指的就是政府采购合同缔结过程。在政府采购法中,之所以多用合同授予一词,而很少采合同缔结的概念,主要原因有二:其一,在一些国家,政府采购被定性为行政行为,从给付行政的角度来看,政府采购的缔约过程可以理解为作为行政机关的采购人选择适格的当事人进行利益分配的行为。其二,即使将政府采购定性为民事行为,作为买方的采购人往往也因竞争程度小于供应商,而事实上在缔约谈判过程中处于优势地位,并在很大程度上具有选择供应商的自由裁量权。所以,基于采购人在政府采购合同缔结过程中实际上居于主导性地位的事实,从采购人的角度出发,使用合同授予一词确有一定的合理性。在政府采购法研究领域,这种用法也早已约定俗成。

[2] 参见联合国《贸易法委员会货物、工程和服务采购示范法立法指南》第六章第7段。

[3] 如德国《反不正当竞争法》用的就是“审查程序”,英国《公共工程合同规则》用的就是“向法院申请”,而示范法用的也是“审查”。

[4] 关于这一点,本文将在第三章中详述。

[5] 罗昌发著:《政府采购法与政府采购协定论析》,元照出版公司2000年版,第325页。

[6] C.f. William E. Kovacic, Procurement Reform and the Choice of Forum in Bid Protest Disputes, Administrative Law Journal of the American University, 1995.

[7] 自《政府采购法》颁布以来,实践中已经就质疑与投诉问题发生了多起引人注目的案件,如被媒体誉为“政府采购第一案”的浙江金华某医疗器械厂投诉案(其实本案发生时,《政府采购法》并未生效,所以笔者认为某种程度上媒体对本案意义的认定,是以讹传讹。),2005年3月29日北京市第一中级人民法院正式立案受理的北京现代沃尔经贸有限责任公司诉中华人民共和国财政部行政不作为案。越来越多的事实正日益表明,质疑与投诉制度运作的实践效果远没有人们预期的那样好。参见姚芃:《“阳光法"下 为何难见阳光》,载《法制日报》2005年5月15日。
